I'm not right, I'm left!
Holy sh*t!
Published on June 9, 2004 By UpsideDownGC In Politics
Well bad news. Many people think that it is likely that the Military draft will come back in some form. The Selective Services have been setting up offices across the nation so the draft, in my opinion is imminent. I suggest doign a google search for Military Draft, go over to the News part, and see the articles. I haven't heard anything about this until just a few days ago and I think it is important to get this out. It should be stopped but I have to say, I am selfish, I shouldn't ever have to go becuase I have extreme ADHD and the military refuses to take people on medication, let alone 5 pills a day in the morning and more at night. I care though for other people and just want to get the word out. Everyone, hear the call, stop the draft and make sure that Bush can't pass it, (then screw Kerry over), which is another problem. I am looking for a form-mail that is anti-draft so if you find one tell me.
Also did you know Sirius Satellite radio is awesome, they have everything I like with Sports (ESPNRaido, ESPNews, SportsByLine and soon the NFL Radio station) and there are no FCC rules for them so they can have really controversial talk on their talk stations without gettign screwed. Anyways my rant is over, I hate the governmetn and lets stop the draft!

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jun 11, 2004
i never heard of a draft, and why should there? handover is almost complete! and soldiers are almost about to pull out of Iraq.
on Jun 11, 2004

Many people think that it is likely that the Military draft will come back in some form

And are the people that think this the ones that are going to be signing the bill enforcing a draft?  Or are they just your average people-on-the-street?

This has been talked about for a while....I don't think it's going to happen anytime soon, much less 'imminent'ly.

on Jun 11, 2004
I doubt a draft will be enacted any time soon. And if it is, so? What's the problem?
on Jun 11, 2004
Please keep in mind that the pending draft legislation sitting in Congress Link is actually penned by Democrats. Link This gives a little more info on the topic. Really, blaming this solely upon the President, his administration, or the Republicans in general is wrong. Enough blame to go around, no?
I would suggest in future articles to keep to the topic you start with (no side rants about satellite radio), and trying to be less biased ("I hate the government"?) might help with the perception of your articles.

MasonM - The problems with a draft being enacted are actually fairly substantial. The two that stick out at me are: 1) it undermines the pride in an "all-volunteer Army," and the general political effectiveness of being able to say such a phrase. 2) A draft draws in anyone, willing or not, and tries to mold them into soldiers. It's hard enough to train willing individuals to do what they need to in the military; I find it hard to imagine pulling in a bunch of malcontents kicking and screaming.
on Jun 11, 2004
My mother also got the impression that Kerry was more interested in drafting people than Bush. Why is it that Democrats are so interested in reviving the draft? Are they looking for ways to get more Americans killed?
on Jun 11, 2004
I do see your point pseudo. The military was all-volunteer when I served. Actually I was being a little snide with that last remark in the previous comment
on Jun 11, 2004
Oh. Okay. No worries, Mason.

SR - The best explanation that I've seen for the Democrats putting this bill up (and I have no idea whether Kerry would be involved in this at all) is that it will scare the average person out of supporting operations overseas. If there is a chance that you, or your college buddy, or your son, or really anyone you know would get yanked off the street, sent through accelerated Infantry training and sent to some place overseas that you don't recognize the name of, all in the name of fighting terrorism/establishing democracy/controlling the oil/flexing our international muscles/what-have-you... if there is a chance that the average citizen could be forced into service, then the average citizen might not support scenarios where it would be necessary to bolster the ranks of our Armed Forces. This might be the Dems plan, it might not. Take all political manuevering for what it is, political manuevering.
on Jun 11, 2004

SR - The best explanation that I've seen for the Democrats putting this bill up (and I have no idea whether Kerry would be involved in this at all) is that it will scare the average person out of supporting operations overseas.

Good point...I hadn't thought of that.

on Jun 11, 2004
Actually the nly bill in congress advocating a draft is penned by one Charlie Wrangel. Democrat...and scare tacticain. The only reason such a chronically doomed bill was introduced was for scare purposes alone. The man is a slack jawed booger eater.
on Jun 12, 2004
"SR - The best explanation that I've seen for the Democrats putting this bill up (and I have no idea whether Kerry would be involved in this at all) is that it will scare the average person out of supporting operations overseas."

The actual reason they give is that too many minorities are "vicitmized" by the military in times of war. So basically Mr. Rangel's answer is a draft, since choosing randomly would net more caucasian draftees.

It is a scare tactic, mind you, I just thought we shouldn't overlook the racist undertones of the scare tactic. Not that it will happen, not even Democrats take Mr. Rangel seriously.

on Jun 12, 2004
I suppose *some* of the Dems take him seriously, as there are a number of supporters listed for the bill in the link I gave. However, having said that, I can't speak for the aforementioned Dems records and views, either...
on Jun 12, 2004
a military draft is stupid and can someone please explain to me why someone even used it as a scare tactic?

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on Jun 12, 2004
I think it is stupid too but I just wanted to tell people about the possibility. Also, how do I find out how many points my article has gotten>?
on Jun 12, 2004
We are obviously preparing to invade Saudi Arabia if it shoud collapse in the near future.

I think it is obnoxiously cynical for you people to be attatching purely political rationale to this bill, when our soldiers overseas are currently being 'redrafted' against their wishes, and the the military is dangerously unprepared for any future conflict in the wake of our stupid war.
on Jun 13, 2004
"I think it is obnoxiously cynical for you people to be attatching purely political rationale to this bill, when our soldiers overseas are currently being 'redrafted' against their wishes, and the the military is dangerously unprepared for any future conflict in the wake of our stupid war. "

Two points. Look at who sponsered the initiative, read what they said when they put forth the idea; it is pretty much what i described. Also, ask the military if they want a draft, ask them what they think about having to fight alongside draftees.
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