I'm not right, I'm left!
Holy sh*t!
Published on June 9, 2004 By UpsideDownGC In Politics
Well bad news. Many people think that it is likely that the Military draft will come back in some form. The Selective Services have been setting up offices across the nation so the draft, in my opinion is imminent. I suggest doign a google search for Military Draft, go over to the News part, and see the articles. I haven't heard anything about this until just a few days ago and I think it is important to get this out. It should be stopped but I have to say, I am selfish, I shouldn't ever have to go becuase I have extreme ADHD and the military refuses to take people on medication, let alone 5 pills a day in the morning and more at night. I care though for other people and just want to get the word out. Everyone, hear the call, stop the draft and make sure that Bush can't pass it, (then screw Kerry over), which is another problem. I am looking for a form-mail that is anti-draft so if you find one tell me.
Also did you know Sirius Satellite radio is awesome, they have everything I like with Sports (ESPNRaido, ESPNews, SportsByLine and soon the NFL Radio station) and there are no FCC rules for them so they can have really controversial talk on their talk stations without gettign screwed. Anyways my rant is over, I hate the governmetn and lets stop the draft!

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jun 13, 2004
why would saudi arabia be collapsing? and what's wrong with our already super-funded and greased military? we could already attack saudi arabia (if we wanted to), but we're not cuz it stupid. besides a draft will mean more taxes and more funding, and will not be liked, since this war is a bit unpopular.
on Jun 30, 2004
Saint Ying - What does attaching purely political rationale to the bill calling for a draft have to do with your "point" over the soldiers "being 'redrafted' against their wishes?" Besides that you might be pointing out that the bill is simply as "evil" as the action of keeping soldiers in the service longer than they expected...
And the military is prepared. Just try to keep us out of anything "stupid." kthx.

Good point BakerStreet (whose name I've just realized I shouldn't abbreviate...).
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