WIRED, the technology magazine has a review of the Political Machine in the Games section of WIRED's PLAY reviews. The paragraph by Will Tuttle can be found on page 68 of the June 2004 issue of WIRED. The text is very descriptive and reads as follows.
Think you know more than the policy wonks? Here's a chance to run your own presidential campaign. This strategy game is lifted straight from the spinmeisters inside the Betlway: You raise money, craft ads, do the news shows, take poll-tested positions, and try to keep skeletons in the closet. Political Machine's arsenal of underhanded tactics (Populance too content? Start a depression!) makes your qu8est for the White House a lot more interesting than anything on C-Span.-Will Tuttle
If you have trouble finding it in your version of WIRED or you don't have WIRED I found it listed online as well just go to http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/12.06/play.html?pg=11 and the WIRED quicky review of the game is below the title GAMES (PC) on the website and if you get a subscription you can find it under Wilco and to the right of the review of MTV Music Generator 3.